Getting on the right path towards financial freedom can seem daunting, even discouraging, at first, but by simply taking action, you can take control and direct the future of your personal finances. On this page, you’ll find links to all 6 Steps of the ‘Rat Race Off Ramp’. We’ve all been part of the ‘Rat Race’ at some point, but you have an option to take charge and work towards your ‘Off Ramp’. You’ll need to think about where you want to go (your ‘Off Ramp’, and you’ll also need to take a complete and honest look at your finances to know where you are starting. There is one thing you need to know, remember, and keep in the back of your mind throughout your journey: The key to building wealth is spending less money than you earn and saving the difference.
Overview: 6 Steps of the ‘Rat Race Off Ramp’
Step 1: Set YOUR Goals
Step 2: Your Financial Snapshot
Step 3: Dive Into Your Income & Spending
Step 4: Tackle Your Debt
Step 5: Ramp Up Your Savings
Step 6: Review Your ‘Race’ Status