Happy New Year! I hope you had a great 2021 and that 2022 is even better! Every year millions upon millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions usually with the goal of making changes to improve themselves and their lives, […]

What If…You Could Keep Your Kids From Repeating Your Money Mistakes
Although it is becoming more commonly taught, personal finance is a topic largely lacking in our public education system. That leaves the responsibility on families and kids themselves to either learn about personal finance or repeat the mistakes that millions […]

What If… You Were Completely Debt Free?
Following up on the last post, “What is the Money Value of Your Time?”, I’m moving into a series called “What if.” This series will explore various topics in personal finance in a different way. Each post will start with […]

What’s Your ‘Why’?
In my last two posts, I went over the “Latte Factor” and excuses for not saving money. Maybe those posts got you thinking about your money. Those posts were a lead in for today’s post. There are many reasons why […]

“I can’t” “Next month” “Once I…”
We live in a world full of excuses. Many people (maybe even you) make excuses for not being able to save money or manage their personal finances. Below are a few examples, but there are millions out there along the […]

Housing – Buy? Refinance? Hurry? Wait?
The housing market continues to be one of the strongest parts of the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Housing supply is at historic lows. New building permits and housing starts are increasing. Home prices are increasing. If you’re in the […]

Just Because You Can Afford Something Doesn’t Mean You Should – Part 2
In my last post, I wrote about considering trade-offs when making purchases. Today, I’ll start by digging into costs for most people’s largest expense, their primary residence. After costs, I’ll give an overview of what banks do when pre-approving you […]

Just Because You Can Afford Something Doesn’t Mean You Should – Part 1
When I started “Rat Race Off Ramp”, I highlighted a few ways to think about money, saving, and spending. Two of my early posts were “Money and Your Life” and “Spending with a Different Mindset.” In another post, “Are you […]

What is a FICO Score and Why is it Important?
Applying for a loan. Applying for a credit card. Setting up utilities (electric, gas, water, etc.) for where you live. These are some of the events where a company uses your FICO score to help determine how risky a customer […]

Should You Hurry to Buy a House or Refinance with Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows?
Buy a house or not? Refinance your mortgage or not? Millions of American families are facing these questions right now. Right now, thanks in large part to the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates are at all-time lows AND will likely stay […]