Inflation as defined by the “Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System” is: “The increase in the prices of goods and services over time.” I’m sure by now you’ve seen the headlines, paid the prices, and are wondering what […]

What If… You Were Completely Debt Free?
Following up on the last post, “What is the Money Value of Your Time?”, I’m moving into a series called “What if.” This series will explore various topics in personal finance in a different way. Each post will start with […]

Housing – Buy? Refinance? Hurry? Wait?
The housing market continues to be one of the strongest parts of the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Housing supply is at historic lows. New building permits and housing starts are increasing. Home prices are increasing. If you’re in the […]

Just Because You Can Afford Something Doesn’t Mean You Should – Part 2
In my last post, I wrote about considering trade-offs when making purchases. Today, I’ll start by digging into costs for most people’s largest expense, their primary residence. After costs, I’ll give an overview of what banks do when pre-approving you […]

Should You Hurry to Buy a House or Refinance with Mortgage Rates at Historic Lows?
Buy a house or not? Refinance your mortgage or not? Millions of American families are facing these questions right now. Right now, thanks in large part to the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates are at all-time lows AND will likely stay […]

Step 5: Ramp Up Your Savings
Updated: May 2021 Once you tackle your debt and have it under control, you can start taking leaps forward towards your ‘Off Ramp’. Ramping up your savings will allow you to accelerate towards your financial goals, increase your net worth, […]

Step 3: Dive Into Your Income & Spending
Updated: May 7, 2021 Now that you have set your goals and figured out your current net worth, you’re ready and waiting at the starting line of this race. Let’s start moving forward to figure out how to get to […]

9 Ways to Cut Fixed Expenses
Did you know you can save money on your fixed expenses? Maybe you are thinking that doesn’t make any sense. They are FIXED expenses. Yes, they are fixed expenses, as in monthly recurring expenses, but how much they cost can […]

Where Your Money Goes..
What do you spend your money on? For the most part, expenses are divided into two categories: fixed expenses and variable expenses. But within fixed and variable expenses there are a bunch of smaller categories. Today, we will break them […]