Over the last two weeks, I’ve covered a bunch of topics on investing and saving for retirement including investment options, investing fees, saving for retirement, and the size of a retirement nest egg. Today, I’ll close out investing for a […]

The Two Sides of Investing Fees
For everyone that owns mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs), there are costs associated with owning them, and they are not equal. Even if people are aware of the fees they are paying, they are likely unaware of the […]

One Easy Way To Give Yourself THOUSANDS More In Retirement
How much are you paying in fees on your investments? “Well, I don’t know.” This is probably the answer most of you would give if I asked you the question above. If you do nothing else with your investments and […]

What Are Your Investment Options?
In my last post, I listed a bunch of options available for savings and investments. Today, I’ll elaborate on your main investing options: stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and mutual funds. This will be an overview, and you should […]

Where Should You Save?
In Step 5 of the ‘Rat Race Off Ramp’, I wrote about how to ‘Ramp Up Your Savings’. Today, I’ll go over where those savings should go. For the most part, where you save and invest comes down to when […]