Right now is the perfect time to reflect on (and review) what you have been spending your money on. Should you be evaluating where you’re spending and why? You have the chance to make changes that significantly alter the trajectory […]
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Are You Getting a Stimulus Check? What Should You Do With It?
Last month, Congress passed a massive $2.2 trillion ($2,200,000,000,000) stimulus bill, enough for over $6,000 per person according to population estimates, but the maximum an individual will receive is $1,200. Things look like they are moving forward to start distributing […]
6 Ways to Save When Eating at Restaurants
Even if you like to cook, it is nice to be able to go to a restaurant, order food, eat, not have to clean the dishes, and to try out some new restaurants and food. But there are trade-offs. A […]
Let’s Talk Grocery Shopping…No I’m Not Kidding
We all have to eat, so how do we save on food? Don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest Ramen every night. Although that would save you a lot of money, it would probably be pretty terrible for your overall […]
9 Ways to Cut Fixed Expenses
Did you know you can save money on your fixed expenses? Maybe you are thinking that doesn’t make any sense. They are FIXED expenses. Yes, they are fixed expenses, as in monthly recurring expenses, but how much they cost can […]
Where Your Money Goes..
What do you spend your money on? For the most part, expenses are divided into two categories: fixed expenses and variable expenses. But within fixed and variable expenses there are a bunch of smaller categories. Today, we will break them […]
Spending with a Different Mindset
Welcome to Financial Literacy Month! No, it’s not an April Fools Joke! In 2003, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives designated April as “Financial Literacy Month.” How are you going to improve your finances during this month? Can […]
Money and Your Life
What does money mean to you? Your spouse? Your family? These are important questions to ask, and even more importantly, they are important questions to answer with your loved ones, especially your spouse. We all have needs, and we all […]
Not the Beginning I Pictured
To say we are in different times now than when I started thinking about launching a personal finance blog would be an enormous understatement. By now, you are acutely aware of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading across the globe. My family […]